Adventure Travel Tales and Photos of Cambodia

Photos of Angkor Wat - this is Banteay Srei

Banteay Srei is one of the temples near the edge of the Angkor Wat complex, located about 45 minutes away by motorbike from Siem Reap. Banteay Srei is known for it's beautiful stone carvings - sometimes described as more feminine or delicate than those at other temples. A unique feature of Banteay Srei is the pink-colored sandstone used in its construction. It also has some excellent examples of high-relief carvings on the lintels and frontons. Lintels - the cross members above doors and windows - are almost universally carved at Angkor. The frontons - the areas above the lintels - are also intricately carved at Banteay Srei.

I hope you enjoy these photos of Banteay Srei as well as my other photos of Angkor Wat temples.

This photo is of the inner courtyard of Banteay Srei.

Here is another photo of Banteay Srei's inner courtyard.

At Banteay Srei, the carvings over the doorways - or lintels as they're called - are particularly deeply carved and very well done.

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